Tackling the Toolkit pp 31–⁠42
The Automatic Quantitative Metrical Analysis of Spanish Poetry with Rantanplan: A Preliminary Approach
Laura Hernández-Lorenzo, Mirella De Sisto, Álvaro Pérez, Javier de la Rosa, Salvador Ros, Elena González-Blanco


In this paper, we present a quantitative approach to Spanish poetry and versification based on the application of our own automatic metrical tool, Rantanplan, to the complete poetic works of four early modern Spanish poets. All of the poetry of these four representative authors—Garcilaso de la Vega (1503--1536), Fernando de Herrera (1534–1597), Luis de Góngora (1561–1627), and Lope de Vega (1562–1635)—was automatically processed and stress positions were extracted. Thanks to the development of a new stanza identification feature of Rantanplan, we were able to detect metrical structures as well. By completing a quantitative analysis of the stress positions, line lengths, and stanzas used by each author, we aim to model their complete metrical profiles.


Hernández-Lorenzo, L., De Sisto, M., Pérez, Á., de la Rosa, J., Ros, S., & González-Blanco, E. (2021). The Automatic Quantitative Metrical Analysis of Spanish Poetry with Rantanplan: A Preliminary Approach. In P. Plecháč, R. Kolár, A. Bories, & J. Říha (Eds.), Tackling the Toolkit: Plotting Poetry through Computational Literary Studies (pp. 31–42). Prague: ICL CAS. doi: 10.51305/ICL.CZ.9788076580336.03


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