Plotting Poetry (and Poetics) 3
Machiner la poésie (et la poétique) 3
26-27 Sept. 2019 – ATILF – 44 av. de la Libération – Nancy – Salle Imbs
Thursday, 26 September
9.00–9.30 |
Hebrew Liturgical Poetry from Late Antiquity: Preliminary Computational Explorations
Ophir Münz-Manor
Universität Hamburg, The Open University of Israel
9.30–10.00 |
DISCOvering Spanish Sonnets: A close/distant reading experience
Helena Bermúdez Sabel¹, Clara Martínez Cantón², Pablo Ruiz Fabo³
¹Université de Lausanne, ²UNED, ³Université de Strasbourg
10.00–10.30 |
Exploring variation in Estonian folksongs: language, meter, topics, genres
Mari Sarv
Estonian Folklore Archives
10.30–11.00 |
11.00–11.30 |
Le traitement automatique du rythme régulier. Un cas particulier : l’enjambement
Éliane Delente
11.30–12.00 |
Rules-based and machine-learning approaches to identifying Russian rhyme
David Birnbaum¹, Elise Thorsen²
¹University of Pittsburgh, ²Novetta
12.00–12.30 |
Yet another fresh confirmation of Mr. Spedding‘s division of the play of Henry VIII
Petr Plecháč
Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences
12.30–14.00 |
12.00–12.30 |
Zooming in, zooming out: 30 years of Corpus Stylistics Bricolage keynote lecture
Anne Bandry-Scubbi
Université de Strasbourg
15.00–15.30 |
15.30–16.00 |
In Search of the Sermonic: Hearing Sonic Genre in Poetry Recordings
Chris Mustazza
University of Pennsylvania, PennSound
16.00–16.30 |
Rap et métrique
Valérie Beaudouin
Télécom Paris
16.30–17.00 |
Hayford’s Duplicates: Operationalizing a Literary Theory of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick
Jonathan Armoza
New York University
19.00– |
Friday, 27 September
9.00–9.30 |
Controlling Style in Machine Generated Poetry
Steffen Eger¹, Jörg Wöckener¹, Tristan Miller², Luise Borek¹, Thomas Haider³
¹Technische Universität Darmstadt, ²Austrian Research Institute for Artificial intelligence, ³Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt
9.30–10.00 |
Poetic Program, Typographic System
Rémi Forte
10.00–10.30 |
N-Gram Driven Word Level Recombination: Exploring a Search Space of Metrically Valid Verse
Pablo Gervas
Universidad Complutense
10.30–11.00 |
11.00–11.30 |
Distant Reading the Semantic Field of English Poetry
Natalie Houston
University of Massachusetts – Lowell
11.30–12.00 |
Identifying Character Types in German Drama
Benjamin Krautter¹, Janis Pagel¹, Nils Reiter¹, Markus Willand¹𝄒²
¹University of Stuttgart, ²University of Heidelberg
12.00–13.30 |
13.30–14.30 |
keynote lecture
Jan-Christof Meister
Universität Hamburg
14.30–15.00 |
15.30–16.00 |
Exploring stylistic consistency in Antonio Machado’s early and forgotten poems
Guillermo González Pascual
Universidad de Valladolid
16.00–16.30 |
Enjeux de l’annotation stylistique des motifs romanesques pour interroger la poétique des textes romanesque
Clémence Jacquot
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
16.30–17.00 |
Poeticisms and Common Poetic Discourse in the Digital “Russian Live Stylistic Dictionary”
Georgy Vekshin, Marina Lemesheva, Egor Maksimov
Moscow Polytechnic University