Plotting Poetry 6: The Plot. Storytelling in Verse.
12-13-14 June, 2023Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and
Institute for Literary Studies Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest
⧉ Book of abstracts
Monday, 12 June
Location: CEU Library Building, Nádor utca 15, Quantum Room
14.00–14.30 |
Official opening of the conference, Welcome to the participants
SECTION 1 14.30–16.00 |
chair: Levente Seláf
Between Poetry and Rhythmic Prose: A New Look at the Medieval Old Kyiv Chronicles
Nazarii Nazarov
The Dactylic Epic Caesura: Occurences and Signification
Alexandru Călin, Oana-Dana Balaş
Exploring the evolution of ottava rima: a digital study of rhyme and syntax
Anastasia Belousova, Juan Sebastián Páramo, Paula Ruiz
16.00–16.30 |
Coffee break
SECTION 2 16.30–17.30 |
chair: Zsolt Almási
Rhyming and Repetition: Archaic and "Western" Paradigms of Poetical Composition in Old Hungarian Epic Songs
Levente Seláf, Villő Vigyikán, Margit Kiss, Petr Plecháč
"Cryptostories". Narratives about March '68 in contemporary Polish poetry
Magdalena Piotrowska-Grot
17.30–18.00 |
Coffee break
KEYNOTE 18.00–19.00 |
Location: ELTE BTK, Múzeum körút 6, Gólyavár, Pázmány Péter Room
chair: Levente Seláf
“From Epic Poetry to Knightly Romances? Monitoring the Evolution of Old French Chansons de geste”
Jean-Baptiste Camps
19.00– |
Welcome drink, social event
Tuesday, 13 June
Location: CEU Library Building, Nádor utca 15, Quantum Room
SECTION 3 9.00–10.30 |
chair: Jessie Labov
Aligning Manual and Machine-Produced Annotations in a Verse Corpus: A case Study on Raymond Queneau
Anne-Sophie Bories, Petr Plecháč
"The narrative obsession" : Franck Venaille and the art of telling in verse and prose
Stéphane Cunescu
Can Hyperbase allow us to apprehend certain aspects of narrativity in contemporary poetry?
Michèle Monte
10.30–11.00 |
Coffee break
SECTION 4 11.00–12.30 |
chair: Vera Polilova
Innovation and repetition in rhyme: quantitative exploration of the 19th-century Russian verse
Antonina Martynenko
Lexical exactness and metrical and strophic diversity: Calderon de la Barca's Theatre in Russian translations
Vera Polilova
The sonnet in Spanish in Latin American and Philippine Modernismos: Shared and local features in content and form in two related but distinct traditions
Clara Martínez Cantón, Rocío Ortuño Casanova, Pablo Ruiz Fabo
12.30–14.00 |
Lunch break
SECTION 5 14.00–15.30 |
chair: Artjoms Šeļa
Patterned repetition in Finnic oral poetry
Jukka Saarinen, Maciej Janicki, Kati Kallio
Þórnaldarþula – Plotting Interpretation of a Scattered Narrative
Yelena Sesselja Helgadóttir
Detecting synonyms in poetic text: corpus-based exploration of Estonian runosongs
Mari Sarv, Kaarel Veskis
15.30–16.00 |
Coffee break
SECTION 6 16.00–17.20 |
chair: Chris Mustazza
Cross Referencing Narration Structure with Metric Features over Narrative Verse
Pablo Gervás, Álvaro Torrente
Mind the meter: variation in linguistic constraints of poetic forms
Artjoms Šeļa, Thomas Haider
KEYNOTE 17.20–18.10 |
chair: Anne-Sophie Bories
“Personal Storytelling in Instapoetry: A Statistical Approach”
Camille Bloomfield
18.10– |
Dinner with the participants
Wednesday, 14 June
Location: ELTE BTK, Múzeum körút 6, Gólyavár, Pázmány Péter Room
SECTION 7 9.00–10.30 |
chair: Margit Kiss
The Embedding of Poetry in a System of Literary Genres via the Communicative Functions Interpersonal, Narration, and Aesthetic
Thomas Haider
Slavic spoken verse: reconstruction, evolution and functions
Neža Kočnik
« Voici l’intrigue de ma chanson » : Narrativity in French Song (Renaud, Vian, Brassens, Gainsbourg)
Nils Couturier
10.30–11.00 |
Coffee break
SECTION 8 11.00–12.00 |
chair: Petr Plecháč
Sound and Sense of Ukrainian Ballads: Towards a Computational Poetics
Inna Lisniak, Olha Petrovych
The Sounds of Modern (Anti-)Narrative
Valentina Colonna, Chris Mustazza
12.00–12.30 |
Coffee break
12.30– |
Closing remarks
General discussion and round table: The future of the exploration of poetical corpora with computers and AI.
Common trip to a thermal bath and/or to a museum